Friday, August 24, 2012

Catching Up On My Summer and Promises of Future Posts

So you know there is another new post that I put up just about an hour before this one, so you don't miss it.

I apologize to any loyal readers I had for not posting since around the end of school. I simply found myself blanking out about it or staring at the screen without inspiration. Now I will attempt to sum up my summer so far. Though it won't be in order.

1.) I am now armed! Yes the already potentially dangerous ginger bought a bow. It is a lovely left handed recurved bow I got at Cabela's. I attempted to draw it, though my paint skills still aren't amazing. I will probably take a picture though and put it up as well... eventually. Oh and I also bought a dozen arrows (obviously).

2.) I got my text books! They are heavy. So heavy I am going to run up and weigh them and come back to tell you how much they weigh. And the total is: 26.5 pounds. And that is just my textbooks. I still need to get binders and what not. Did I mention they ripped almost all of the lockers out of my high school? Seniors get priority and unless the teachers have extra sets of textbooks for in class (sometimes they do sometimes they don't) then I will be carrying around a bare minimum of 26.5 pounds of textbooks around school all day.
I really don't want to have to carry five textbooks around. But I might have to along with the rest of the populace.
My other two text books are Precalculus with limits and a Biology textbook. 
Since I am a cheater by posting actual pictures of the covers for the last two I will draw a dragonfly and add it to the next post. I am racing to finish this one before I am sent off to bed because I am afraid I will forget about it and then it will go unposted forever and a day.
And now I just remembered I actually have two MORE textbooks. Though they are the size of novels and together are roughly 700 pages.

3.) I did an Honors Chem class over the summer
This will actually get it's own super amazin post but I will give you a few topics I will cover
a) Tri-Iodide bombs
b) Molarity
c) various explosions
d) my awesome references in my lab report
e) my scientific conclusion that Duck is acidic
Please bug me with comments or emails if I have not posted about this by September.

4.) Turned Fifteen
Yep I've been fifteen for a couple months now... And my birthday was amazing except for Duck and Solar not being able to come to my party because they were out of town. I also need reminders to write a post about the party.

This post is slowly turning into a to do list. Therefore I am going to publish it now before it goes even more down hill.
One quick last note: I'm going to Deception Pass Star Party in a little over two weeks! Yeah!

Chapter One

I have returned!
Well I have not posted in quite some time. I have no idea if anyone has come on recently or if anyone actually reads anything I post. So if you want me to continue this or come by and read a comment would be super appreciated... even if it's just hey, I read your post!
So I have been writing again and have a chapter ready for something I am working on. Thus I am posting it here, hoping for feedback. I haven't decided on a title yet, though it may be an extention of Out Of Sync.
Without further a do, I give you the first chapter!
Chapter One
The Epilogue – Silent Streets, Flashes of Green, and A Mysterious Package
All was quiet on Elm’s street, save for the white noise that its people had come to block out. The low drumming of machinery hummed along with the warm raspy voice of the last summer winds. The sun was barely beginning to glint over the lay of the land. All was as it should be. It was an uneventful street in a beautifully dull town, just beyond the edge of a metal empire.
On the corner was an ancient red brick house where a tired old man kept the discarded oddities of past eras, hoping that one day they might be of value. He did not mind the idea that none of his hoarded ‘treasures’ may ever bring in any sort of profit. If anything he’d much rather have them to entertain his imagination in the time he had left, and keep him from turning to the ‘advancements’ of his own time.
He’d been up late the past night working on a piece of clockwork, fascinated by the functionality of the gears that also in themselves were pieces of art. It was no wonder to him that not long ago steam punk and the likes had been so popular… Now of course, they had gotten so close to the science fiction of the past that people had forgotten about such things. It had been that same thought that he’d last had before he had nodded off and the gear slipped out of his hand.
Outside the window the breeze picked up into a ferocious gust and then in an instant dissipated in a flash of green light. A tall wispy figured girl stood where the flash had been centered, eyes tightly closed and breathe held, her face in an expression that was excited but at the same time deathly scared. With a hesitant and hooked sigh she slowly opened her eyes and reached for the door handle. It opened of its own accord.
At the work table the man woke with a start, and looked up as the automatic door swung open. His pulse quickened as he tried to recall… Oh yes, he was supposed to be looking at something for one of the Jones’ that morning. His eyes scanned the table and then went back to look at the clock. What was this?! It wasn’t even five in the morning.
“Your early you know. It isn’t even a proper hour to consider existing, much less living.” He let off a slight chuckle, a little more than disconcerted that he had yet to get a response.
 With an ‘oomph’ and a bit of effort he lifted himself from his desk chair and went to investigate for himself. If those damn birds had set off the door again…
“Yes I figured it would be early, but then on time would be too late in the scheme of things.”
The plump man stumbled and then stopped in his tracks. Even being the recluse he was, he still had managed to make the acquaintance of everyone in the tiny settlement. This voice did not belong to any of the Jones’ and neither was it one that he had ever heard before. But people did not simply show up on Elm’s street, people had a place these days and there wasn’t much that could change that.
“I have something for you to care for, and a message. Well I don’t have all of the thing I need you to care for, but the rest of it will make its way here soon enough. Please don’t be shy; I’ve come ever so long.” The voice was distinctly feminine with the way it seemed to almost laugh, but had deeper undertones that turned it from a sickly sweet sound to a richly smooth one.
The woman’s footsteps drew closer and with a breath he stepped around the corner, determined to greet her rather than have her search him out.
“Oh, there you are, Arthur Dowlen. I was beginning to think I had ended up outside the wrong shop, which would have been most embarrassing.”
“How do you know my name?” confusion was plastered on his face and echoed in his voice.
“Arthur Dowlen, the real question should be ‘why am I here’. Anyone could come here having learned your name. They could have any number of reasons, whether they be wanting a joke or trying to impress you. But I am the only one who brings something to your care. Rarely does anyone come here to buy Mr. Dowlen, and never has anyone had anything to sell. I freely offer. So the question is ‘what am I hiding inside my jacket?’”
Without waiting for him to ask the right questions or even give a response to her eerie remarks she unbuttoned the heavy coat and took out a thick stack of papers tied off with some thin twine. Taking a few brisk steps towards the closest table she pulled out a pocket knife and slit the twine, letting the documents slide apart and onto the wooden surface.
There were all sorts of shapes and sizes, from notecards, to legal size sheets to prescription stationary. Some were crisp and others crumpled, and from the dye they were colored with to the array of stains they were their own filthy sort of rainbow. The only thing that linked them all was the scratchy handwritten notes that filled every open space, and each one with its own number, rewritten in every corner.
Arthur let out a gasp at the sight. It was rare to see anything handwritten nowadays but even if it was common it would still shock him to see all this. So much effort had gone into these carefully guarded sheets, and he could see where tears had fallen and dried into the paper. It was a hard labor and certainly a hard story, all belonging to a girl who looked to young and innocent to have ever truly hurt. How deceiving looks are.
“What is all this?” he said gruffly, gesturing wildly with a finger at the menagerie of ink and parchment.
“A mere trifle, a brief glimpse of a story and a mere caress compared to the agonizing full truth and pain. I need you to keep it safe for me, it will mean nothing if it does not survive.” Her eyes were sorrowful but resolute, and a shiver went down her spine.
“What must I do?” He answered without hesitation; there was no way he would think to deny her.
For a moment she stood silent, as if debating whether or not it was safe to go through with her plan.
“Within a year one similar to myself will appear as I have but with a very different circumstance. He will be injured and close to death, I beg that you don’t let him die.” He could see her fighting back sobs and trying to seem withdrawn by keeping her voice cold. She couldn’t stop it from hitching up at the end though.
She looked down for a moment then forced herself to lift her head back up, looking to face him and refusing to hide the tears. After a quick breath she continued.
“I need you to read these papers before he comes so you might understand, but tell no one of them or their contents. There are lives that depend on the safety of the package that you will pass on, you must understand that.
“Once you have ensured his stability you will allow him to read the papers, and then you will need to supply him paper and ink so that he may write a letter that will be enclosed with the papers I am now entrusting you with. Soon after he will leave you, but before he does he will give to you a relic of years passed, a silver pendant and chain with a celtic knot.
“These three things - these papers, his papers, and the necklace- must then  be wrapped in a parcel paper and marked with the same celtic knot as the pendant,” to emphasize her meaning she pulled back out her pocket knife and etched the figure into the table top; a circle in four quarters with a full circle woven through it. “And is to also state that it is not to be open until 2456, which will be sufficient enough for it to reach the intended recipient. Will you continue to accept this task?”
“It would be my honor child.” He reached to help scoop up the papers and she caught his outstretched hand and dropped a tiny clockwork blue jay into his fingers that she had kept hidden.
“You asked for no compensation, take this as a gift, she had no place in my pocket hidden away from human eyes. Don’t try and argue with me about it, I’ll just leave it on the table if I have to, and I’d much prefer you freely accept her.”
His fingers delicately surrounded the delicate metal bird and he brought it up close to examine.
“Thank you, you’ve given me something to occupy some time. And I’m always happy to help a lady.”
“It’s you who ought to be thanked, Arthur Dowlen. It is you who is going to be instrumental in saving my life.”
She left him with that last sweetly spoken sentence. Her eyes flew shut and as if in a faint she started to collapse, but in a flash of green she was gone before she could hit the ground.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


(Probably not our Destiny... though she is pretty Ninja.)

This doesn't have any real point. Well the star has five points but yeah... something cool needs to happen now.... any moment now... I"M WAITING!

Response to Spam Callers

They've found us again and wiggled through our security system... ITS THE UNKNOWN NUMBER SPAMMERS!!!!!!!!!! The called twice in the last five minutes. If they call again I will be sorely tempted to answer and mess with them.

#1- Yes, I'd like a large original crust pizza with grilled chicken, red and green bell peppers, tomatoe, onion, and absolutely no mushrooms.
****I'm calling to speak to*
Look, I don't care who you called for, you got me, and I'm the one ordering here.
****We are not a pizzaria*
Well you should be and why on earth did you call then, don't you understand that I am really craving a pizza that looks somewhat healthy on top even if its destined to bring my demise?!!!
****I told you we don't make pizzas! Please give the phone to...*
(in a whisper/whine) Can you please make me a pizza anyways?

#2- Hello, what is the nature of your call? If you are in a life or death situation please hang up and call 911. If you want to speak with the one who pays the phone bill please press one.
I'm sorry I didn't catch that. Please wait until all options are expressed before choosing a number so we can serve you as best as possible.
If you would like to speak to the one who pays the phone bill press one.
If you want to talk to Elvis Presley then you are out of luck. If you want to talk to a delusional woman who thinks she is Elvis Presley, Press 2.
If you would like to prance through the clouds like a little pony and live inside a house made of cheese on the moon, or already are doing so Press 3 and we will connect you to the Psych ward.
If you like long walks on the beach, have a kind heart, and frequently dance in the rain press 4 and we will connect you to your dream person.
If you are a heinous criminal then Press 5. We will connect you you to a criminal lawyer who will turn you into the police for his own nefarious purposes.
If you have a name starting with the letter Z or X press 6 immediately. You will get through immediately. We have been expecting you.
If you are getting tired of this hang up... I am too so I suppose it doesn't matter what you want anymore so I'm going to hang up...

#3- *Ring.... Ring*
Hello... can I talk to Robert Mueller please, he's there right. I think he's got the wrong email he keeps telling me I've won millions... Maybe you're the real winner....

#4- I will yell at them in German... and probably call them a donut.... then yell some random spanish words... a few faky french-ish words... and then say dingo dog. After that I'll just hang up.

#5- Is this Destiny?
Wellll I'm sort of waiting for Destiny to come calling so I kind of need you to stop calling so I don't miss the call. It's kind of important.... Well cheers mate!

#6- All is revealed! Flee the city! (then the line goes dead)

#7- I'm sorry sir but I've grown up to abide by the idea that one should always choose the lesser of two weevils. Unfortunately for you your a pretty big weevil. But if you call back I'll let you know if I've found a bigger one!

And I'm done for now.....................................................................................................................

Friday, June 29, 2012

Proof I'm Bored

739 days left in the countdown - Day 18 of the blog - 9 days til my birthday - 2nd Post today

I said the following in an IM conversation... it needs no explanation.

Chelsea.... sleep speakie with me
or I will nom on ya cupcakes
and lives insade ya micro fuzz junky

***Of course you want an explanation anyways... she make plushy and I threaten to eat her plushy cupcake and live in the bag of fluffeh stuff. ***

Fine you can have a picture.

Yes this post is pathetic... I don't care.

Spammers Beware!

I have seriously considered replying to scammers/spammers just to mess with them. I'm sure some of you at least have thought the same. I mean, wouldn't it be fun to reply to a nigerian scam with another nigerian scam... or when you get an email allegedly from the "FBI" reply by saying that you thought you were Robert Mueller? So I figured that since I have a few minutes to kill and am in the mindset I would write a couple that probably will never be sent. Below will be those letters, with pictures (of course they wouldn't get the pictures because they might steal them). Oh and I even made it authentic with grammatical and spelling errors.

Mr and/or Mrs. Insert your name here,
I have a matter of utmost importence to discuss with you. By now you may have realized the absence of your soul. We sent a ninja to steal it for us. If you want to ever get it back you must pay us the sum of $30,000,000,001, thirty billion and one united states dollars. This amount must be in pennies and left in Kickapoo, Arizona next to the bar. You must then scream the words "Dingo Dog" at the top of your lungs and then return to your dwelling. We will be watching. Once you have complated these steps you may apply for the return of your soul which if not in stock will be replaced by something of equal or greater value. The aplication form is below.
Social Security #:
Credit Score:
father's Maiden Name:
The name of the current ruler of New Dehli:
The exact number of people on earth at 3:59am eastern time on July 22, 1643:

Have a nice day, and keep in touch,
                        Frederico Expresso Darrlington Enigaldo Xenith
(by the way I own fedex... you can tell by my initials!)

If you have one of those names above, I mean no disrespect. They were the first ones that popped in my head when I was trying to spell Fedex......

I think its clear that I have just a little too much time on my hands....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Colors - Orange

742 days left in countdown - day 15 of the blog - 12 days until my birthday

Today I feel like narrating some more of the colors since I'm stuck inside for the moment. The rain has been coming in waves, soaking the earth then tapering down to a halt while it regains strength. I've always loved the rain, and I get plenty of it here in Washington. Something about those cascading droplets leaving the sky and returning to the earth has always felt so right. They are like the bond between the land and the sky, nurturing both through the balance between them.
I was going to talk about the colors... thats right. I think for now I'll just do orange (well orange and also sunsets which I know go far beyond orange) and green.

Duck, those white lines were purposeful and I promise they were not done in spite.
Orange and Sunset
When I was younger there was this boy who always used to ask me why my hair was so orange. Turns out the guy was a genius because he started running start while the rest of us went into junior high. Now we're in high school and he's a ways into college. At least that's what I've been told... I haven't seen him, much less talked to him, in years. Every time I hear his name I think of the darling kindargartener puzzling over ginger hair.
Orange also reminds me, of course, of oranges. The smell as someone tears the peel back and little one particles spray into the air. The explosion of taste that comes as teeth pierce the translucent skin that holds tight around the pulp. Yummy citrus.
Then there are sunsets. If you haven't seen a sunset then you should. Get above the trees and out of the labyrinth of the city if they consume the horizon. The sun has set on my life 5467 times on my life and I wish I had seen more of those sunsets than I have taken the time to witness.
One sunset stands out in my mind vividly. The air was cool and evening was creeping over the mountain. It was a typical summer for us, we came up there every year with friends to escape the city lights and structures so we could spend our nights under the stars and our days among the trees and tall grasses. This particular visit we had finally decided to all hike together the short half mile to a rock overhang with an amazing view of where the sun would dip down to meet the horizon. We showed up a few minutes early and situated ourselves among the rocks, staring over the cliff and talking as the sun inched ever closer.
It's like magic as that golden orb touches the horizon and the clouds and sky explode with color. I look back at these words and none of them measure up. There are just some things that we don't have words for, things you have to experience to understand even if there were words. I think I'll leave it at that.

***later today as I have finally returned to finish this***
Orange is a cool night gazing at the flames as friends gather around a campfire. Hey I wrote a metaphor....

I think I am going to put green in a seperate post... my brain has decided that I must escape from my blog for a while... I think I'll go running or something... probably will do the green post tomorrow.


Monday, June 25, 2012

The Colors - Blue

743 days left - day 14 of the countdown - school is now officially over
Being me I was fantasizing this afternoon. And for a certain person who read this, I did indeed plan this. Check the date this was posted and you'll realize I tend to fall out of sync with the moment, finding myself wandering amongst memories of the future. Insane, perhaps, but I prefer enlightened and calculating. Best to use what we've been given, then starve in darkness.
Anyhow as I was thinking I determined I needed to impart to you my favorite color. The explanation would be deep and meaningful, far more than just a simple fact about me. Of course my first thoughts were obvious but within a moment they were swept away with a realization. I don't really have a favorite color. It's like the would you rather where you have to pick one of your senses to give up and at first you think that something touches your life less than you realize how important it is to you. To me each color is a part of another and without all of them they fall short.
On that note and with that level of explanation, here's to the colors. (And to those of you who have read one of my favorite books, no I do not feel like death right now... though I am sort of on a vacation, if you will)

The Blues
They are not always the sky's robes yet I remember the moments when it is. I remember the expanse stretching out in all directions, the great faded blue arc touching the earth on all sides and cradling it in embrace. And the warmth of the dirt and asphalt radiates upwards to meld with the clouds. Its beautiful and she looked up at it ages ago, so much closer to her beginnings. Her feet touching the ground but her soul radiating with the heat, wafting up to the delicate wisps that would grow to storm the world in a lasting way. How she longed to be like those clouds. Trust me, she still does.

Its an old photograph, made from two melded perspectives, and a third one layered in by her mind. She was so very young when it was taken but she remembers. The hat on her head belonged to a friend, and she had stared endlessly at the interworking pieces, all coming together as a whole. She didn't know better than to lift it up and pull it over her own locks, ginger strands twisted in with braided cord. The kind woman turned back to face her with a smile and lifted her into her gentle arms. The giggle that was so alive in itself was bubbling from her pale lips as the camera lifted and the flash went off. They'd save it and someday she would stare back at those eyes and wonder where that child had gone, not quite sure if she could accept they were one in the same. That we are one in the same.

But the blue is so much more than just a handful of memories. It is the smell of the flower garden so many hundreds of miles away that may have fell to ruin years ago. It is that feeling of impulse when there is to be silence, pleading that the soul reveal to the mind what it is hiding, so the words that come with it may be shout out to the world. It is the pulsing river that keeps the land and resists taming, the blood that runs through the veins.

Yet its more than blue, its endlessly changing into something else. First another color, then a feeling, a memory, a word.

Perhaps tomorrow I will give you a new color and its stories. To put them all down at once is madness in which I'd drown, but to read them all together is understanding. Together they build at least the semblance of a world and once you have a world, from there you can build.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I've been told that I rarely refer to things with my feelings seperate from others. For those of you who didn't catch that here is an example: We love you, _____! Instead of I love you, ____! So now I have decided that I need to compile a list of me. So here's to the I's

I believe in the lord Jesus Christ and that he died for my sins and rose again on the third day.

I want to know you or get to know you better, even if I am sometimes too shy to approach you.
I fail at drawing hands.

There are many people who fill in the blank of this one. I love you, ____ and I don't ever want you to think no one does and that you don't matter, because you do matter. Never forget that.

I understand. If I tell you this then you should know that I mean it deeply. It is not a casual phrase to be battered about to sympathize. You mean more to me than that. But also know that I might not understand in the same way you do, to me it may mean something else, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate your thoughts.

I am over-dramatic and even if it seems incredibly real of a reaction, if I tell you it was fake I'm not lying. I may keep things closed inside sometimes and refuse to acknowledge them and in that case you can try and force it out of me and help, but if I have a freak out and you tell me to calm down and say I am calm and was kidding then please believe me. This is to those of you who know me and should be able to trust me. And please never think this means I don't value the truth and mean to decieve you, it keeps me sane so that when there is something to react to I can handle it. Even if that doesn't make any sense... I'm getting carried away. And yes I'm serious about that.

I need to go to bed at a decent hour considering that yesterday I ended up going to bed ridiculously late then sleeping 13 hours and waking up in terrible pain because of my crazy sleeping positions. My shoulders hate me and take it out on my back if I sleep in too long. So yeah.

Monday, June 18, 2012


750 days left in the countdown - 5 days left of school - Day seven of the blog
I couldn't think of anything to write and food myself frawing randomly in paint. So here you go.

And then I got bored... so I figured I'd relook up a thingy I found that shows how to write in circular Gallifreyan. Yes, for those of you who didn't knwo I am a whovian and obsessed with all circle based things. I even built a computer program that draws entwined circular patterns... though I admit that my brain died frequently throughout the whole process and I had to refer back to my dad. I am not exactly fluent in c##... Anywho I found it and then discovered the guy has built an app that translates and has a website. That's pretty cool from what I've looked at so far (well so far is five minutes). So here's a link:

I also showed my history teached who inspired the drawings near the end for my typical school day post this blog. There was laughter to say the least.

We were also required to do WOIS testing today which is some type of occupational thingy. So apparently I am well suited to be a psychologist.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week in Review

751 days left in the count down - 6 days left of school - day 6 of this blog
There is a lot I didn't get to posting this week so I am going to toss it all together in one post.

1.Marmalade's Dance Recital
Just before I started this blog Marmalade got to perform at our future high school in several different numbers which included Lyrical, Jazz, Salsa, Ballet, Tap, and I think maybe one more I'm forgetting. Oh right I think that would be company though the Salsa might have fit under company... anyways it was really good. In one of her numbers she was wearing what I thought was a mango colored dress... afterwards I was told, repeatedly, the correct term is coral. I don't understand why its such a big deal.

Anyhow the whole Mango thing coupled with the fact she was taking longer than usual in the back room turned into an irresistable urge. I had to go down the back hallway calling out for "my mango". Her mother and Carousel followed after me as they cackled at how Marmalade would respond at being referred to as Mango. It did not go over well. She thought it sounded like I was mangling her real name or baby talking at her. Sigh... I thought it was cool.

2. The Boat Dance
Well you had to be there. It involved a guy singing in Gaelic, a ceiling ready to cave in, a lot of bugs, a bar tender named Brad, a whole ton of people, and my history teacher dancing with almost the entire ninth grade chanting her name.

3. An Email
Duck sent me an email she wanted me to share with all of you. To say the least she was upset she didn't get a paint drawing of a duck in  cast of characters and ended up with one from clip art. So she made one herself. One which makes me feel like more of a fail when  it comes to MS Paint. Here it is:
Hope's Duck
4. Another Email
I have been invited, along with the rest of my orchestra, to perform at Carnegie hall in New York on    March 31, 2013. Yep I'm excited. I also have decided to get some private lessons because I'm feeling somewhat unworthy, though I do know one of the pieces we will be playing pretty well which will be helpful and give me some time to look back at it over the summer.
Of course going to New York for four days so we can perform is not cheap. Which means I am going to have to pitch in. So I will be on lunch duty. All year. I'll also have to start saving babysitting money up and all that business. The countdown to Carnegie Hall will probably become part of this once school starts up.

5. Finals.
All week I have had finals. Lab final in science. English final, ahem, I mean "Celebration of Knowledge". Consumer Living finalish thingies. A math final tomorrow. And yes they get to be their own sentences because they are more than just their names.
Then on Friday there was a history final. Well there was supposed to be. All day kids were in tears or talking about hwo sure they were they had failed, or how hard it was, or how they didn't even remember studying a certain event or person. I was instantly suspicious because
a) ASB President said there was a whole section on Abraham Lincoln.... we're studying ancient cultures and modern day Asia so I think he needs to consider the line between slightly feasible and beyond believable.
b) Marmalade was being coy.
c) Destiny was being too nice and acting way too helpful.
d) Fiddler claimed she had never heard it involved everything we studied over the whole year.
So when we came into class sixth period and our teacher told us we got five minutes of study time I still thought something was fishy and instead found myself wondering at the coloring pictures taped to the white board. Then she revealed her secret. SUPRISE! No final, just a final studyguide. She had conned us. So instead of a final we watched a movie... and colored in old disney coloring books... and stuff like that.

6. Change in Ride
My dad got rid of his lime green vw bug that had over 100k miles on it and that was leaking oil. He then promptly replaced it with a sky blue convertible vw bug.

So awesome you don't believe its real.

Anywho that's all I can think of for now.... 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sleep Deprivation

752 days to go - 6 days of school left - Day 6 of this blog
Today I was woken up once again exceedingly early... My siblings decided it would be awesome to all scream simultaneously at 7 or so in the morning. Repeatedly. This also meant that my parents response was to call the downstairs phone. Funny thing is they decided not to answer the phone. So the obnoxious thing screamed its head off and had a fit of apoplexy. This combination of things could only result in one thing. No not a banana dauqerie.
If you haven't already guessed the result it involves me having to get out of bed and get the situation under control. Another day sleep deprived.
I came downstairs and they were playing mindcraft. I do not see how it requires them to yell. They seem to think it does though and the more enthusiatic the sound, the more they will improve. By this point it was too bright to go back to sleep... and the volume would not subside. So I sat by the computer trying to wake up enough to do a blog post. I drew an amazing picture... then accidentally erased it. It was me in my sleep deprived state on the coach, sleep writing a blog post. It was several hours before I was finally awake.
My dad decided we needed to go and get breakfast so we could see our friend who works as a waitress. It was a busy day for them, and it was very humid. It reminded me of the east coast.

When we went to the east coast our air conditioning broke. And there was a record breaking heat wave. And we began leaking oil. We are from  Washington. You get the picture and if you don't you are not good with inferences, and may need to retake english.
Anyways we eventually finished and went home and decided to fix the broken lawn mower. The basic idea was simple: Replace the blades. The procedure was difficult. I discovered an evil invention which actually does its job.

These pins had the audacity to actually hold the thing together. They resisted my removal of them from the slots with their various notches and their awkward positioning. They laughed meniachly and smiled as I contorted my body on the ground so I could reach under to try and loosen their clutch on the dark metal that refused to let us replace its crucial mechanism.
After finally defeating the soul less pins I went inside to relax for a few minutes while my hands recovered from being jammed into tiny metal crevices and from trying to keep a firm grip on the pins. Pretty soon I was told that the barn was in a terrible condition. I needed to clean all the things. Usually I would rise to the task even if not happy to have to complete the task. Unfortunately my sleep deprived and post final brain could not decide what to do first. Or even grasp the concept of "cleaning". It looked like this:
So instead of taking perhaps half an hour or so doing a semi-decent job I took over two. Which is really sad because if I had been in a more efficient brain state I could have written another post.. or half way finished one... or gone running.... or done something really really cool.
After cleaning up from all the dirt and grime and other stuff that had leached onto me while I was cleaning the uninhabited barn (well uninhabited except for spiders and other such creepy crawlies) I went to a party at a friends house. This friend needs a blog name so I will be consulting our circle so that one may be determined. It will be posted at a later date. Anyways she throws amazing parties and we all had a great time. Solar, Carousel, Destiny, and Fiddler were all there, as well as many other people.
We had a fantastic time which involved:
Roasting gummy worms
A really amazing swing

And a whole bunch of other stuff.
Basically another amazing party. Which seemed to go by way too fast. It was a great way to spend four hours of the weekend though and has somehow managed to help me recharge a bit. I might just be awake when I take my last final of the school year on Monday. Though that is a big maybe. A maybe this big:

Which reminds me I need to study tomorrow. If you read my post just before this you know what my math looks like so I need to make sure I am prepared. And if I ace this one maybe I will get my four point O back. haha I said maybe again.
Well I think that's all for now. Bye!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A typical school day and a boat dance 6/13/12

755 days left in count down - 8 days left of school - Day 3 of the blog

Since today is Wednesday I found myself once again at school, or the 1st circle as Marmalade refers to it. Personally I don't think it's all that bad... though I am ready for it to break for summer.

The day starts out with Consumer Living which usually means cooking yummy food. Like the apple pie we made last week. At the beginning we all thought it would look like this:
It ended up looking like this:

But this was not make pie or other yummy food day. It was take a test about credit cards and banks and other stuff not yummy or fun. So we sat for an hour filling in blanks with the customary folders up that are supposed to prevent cheating. Not that we do cheat but quite frankly the folders are pathetic and don't really block much. 

After finishing our testing I was off to orchestra, and as we have already had our last concert we were watching a movie. Well a recording of a play. Well a movie that was used as a play and then recorded and sold as a movie. The thing I just explained with many words just so happened to be Oklahoma. Which meant that the very involved Carousel (Muchado didn't like her new name so it has become Carousel) was hung up on major discrepancies. I sympatheticly nodded, understanding about sixty percent of what she was saying.

Next came Science. Which meant lab final. Unfortunately our dear Duck was missing and so her partner was all alone. Suprisingly enough though Duck's partner had all the stuff which our teacher thought was just a little to convient and suspected foul play of sorts... or at least that's how Marmalade interpreted it. Which sent Marmalade off. Which meant we didn't really get any work done. This is our science day in a nut shell:

Then came lunch. Which was pretty mellow with the lack of Duck. And Carousel hiding away to work on her lab final. The highlight was loaning Destiny a dollar. Because with a dollar Destiny can do anything.... okay well at least a dollar can get Destiny a t-shirt.

Next came Advanced Algebra... As usual the guys were singing random songs... and quoting commercials. It also meant that we got to do more sigma notations and series stuff. This is what our math looks like:
English class involved citations... and annotanions. PUT TOGETHER! This meant drafting paragraphs and trying to recall books we read months ago, but hey it's our final english assignment so I will survive... not that it is super difficult or anything like that.

Finally, finally, history came along. History is the last class of the day which is much cause to celebrate. Which somewhat grieves our teacher because celebration involves talking and stuff. Within a few seconds of class starting though everyone had calmed down and was sitting patiently expecting it to be an uneventful class since we were finishing a documentary. We were wrong.
Perhaps we were right for the beginning half, we did watch the rest but afterwards there were questions. Questions deemed to be worthy of an indepth example with students acting out roles. Naturally since I was sitting front and center I was to be one of those examples. The very nice guy sitting next to me was to be the other.
The Questions: What happens to someone's debt when they die? If you are married and are buying everything on one account do you share the credit score?

Apparently someday the nice guy and I are going to fall in love. He will propose and I will say yes.

In our teachers terms nice boy becomes a baller. With his massive amounts of money we live in comfort but since he's so busy with what ever it is he does I manage the bills and pay under my own name. I get a really great credit score... he doesn't have any.
Credit Scores are one of the few things Nice Guy fails at... and the whole credit score thing is all fake anyways...
Then one day we get divorced... Nice Guy finds himself rich but unable to do much because he's so low on the radar. I find myself unemployed but free to ruin myself financially.... Eventually we get back together though because we realize there was no point for the divorce anyways.

A couple years later Solar comes to see me she is riding a Mo-Ped and doesn't see me. I am killed by vehicular manslaughter. Apparently I had student loans that I didn't seem to think to pay for, plus from my splurge while I was single again. Nice Guy finds himself alone and saddled with debt. Poor nice guy. POOR ME WHO GOT HIT BY A MOPED!!!!!
Yes I know it looks like a bicycle, but I asure you it was a Moped.... though it felt like a semi...

The moral of the story is.... well I don't know what the moral is but I'm not sure it has anything to do with credit scores.... And no it isn't that Gingers will leave you alone and in debt...

The school day ended relatively soon after that.

The Boat Dance
Well I think I will make you wait to hear about the boat dance.... because I need a break... and I feel like being just a little evil....

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cast of Characters

Day two - 756 days to go
When I showed up at school today I announced I had started to write this blog. Immediately I was met by critism, especially on the account of how to address everyone involved... they didn't like my nicknames except for Celtic's and he wasn't there to like or dislike his. So I have been commanded to try again. And I have decided they all get there own attempts at paint pictures that relate to them or their names. I will fail but it will be funny to look back on.

Fiddler - She's a well rounded character. Video gamer, Violin Player, Music Arranger, Soccer Player, a whole bunch of other stuff I can't think to list at the moment. Anyways she's obsessed with portal (drew a picture of Wheatley for her binder and a bunch of quotes), Kingdom of hearts, Professor Layton, Zelda, and listens to epic music especially that which she finds in her gaming experience.

Solar - The ninja assasin type. Quiet and seemingly harmless, but trust me she could (and might possibly) take over the world... or have followers from across the world because of her amazing video editing skills and dystopian novel ideas. I drew a picture of her as a ninja but now I can't find it so you'll have to settle for some abstract color. Okay I lied I didn't draw a ninja... but if I tried the colors would run away.

Duck- Knows more than most adults about brain chemistry and neuro-science and all that jazz. Personality types people for fun and loves taking tests. Really pretty hair groweth on her head. In her free time she is the sweatshop of her sisters pokemon, my little pony, and other anime plushies business. Yes I will find a link so you can go nuts and make them rich.

I can't draw a duck... I really really tried and almost exploded because it was so bad.... so I stole one from clip art.
Celtic- He's one of those guys who defies the laws of the universe. If you knew him well enough you would not question his accomplishments or whatever you would call them. He also is the brother of a currently unscreen named person who may soon join us. I already gave you a picture for him in the last post but you can have it again.
Marmalade- To start I know there are some things that must be made clear: Do not call her Mango, Fresco, or Mansprite... she doesn't like it... AT ALL!!!! Marmalade has been my friend since first grade when she showed up out of nowhere... we have no idea how our friendship started it just did. She is an amazing dancer currently involved in ballet, jazz, lyrical, and tap. If enough of you plead maybe she will aslo start hip-hop next year when school comes back. She also is a very random, hyper person. But that doesn't mean she takes things lightly. She has strong values and goals, and if you mess with them or do something she feels is wrong she will tell you.

By the way Marmalade is a writer and this is her special pen.
Destiny- Destiny has a habit of punching me. Not as hard as she can since if she did I would have a broken arm or worse.. probably. She is a black belt or something along those lines, and unpredictable. For weeks she hated me and then suddenly we were friends.

Muchado- pronounced Much Ah-due like Much Ado About Nothing. Her name here may change if she doesn't like it. Muchado has been my friend for two years now and I don't know how I'd cope without her. We've known each other more like three years but it wasn't until we rode the Marion-Go-Round we really got to know each other and became close friends. She is an actor and a part-time dancer (not sure if that wording works but it should do), and also a writer of prose, plays, and poetry.

Anyways I probably should get some sleep considering I have finals but first:
I have accomplished .2 percent of my mile goal and the only other one with any progress is surviving. No where near being Allie Brosh though its about finding my own style anyways so forget the comparison.