Friday, June 29, 2012

Spammers Beware!

I have seriously considered replying to scammers/spammers just to mess with them. I'm sure some of you at least have thought the same. I mean, wouldn't it be fun to reply to a nigerian scam with another nigerian scam... or when you get an email allegedly from the "FBI" reply by saying that you thought you were Robert Mueller? So I figured that since I have a few minutes to kill and am in the mindset I would write a couple that probably will never be sent. Below will be those letters, with pictures (of course they wouldn't get the pictures because they might steal them). Oh and I even made it authentic with grammatical and spelling errors.

Mr and/or Mrs. Insert your name here,
I have a matter of utmost importence to discuss with you. By now you may have realized the absence of your soul. We sent a ninja to steal it for us. If you want to ever get it back you must pay us the sum of $30,000,000,001, thirty billion and one united states dollars. This amount must be in pennies and left in Kickapoo, Arizona next to the bar. You must then scream the words "Dingo Dog" at the top of your lungs and then return to your dwelling. We will be watching. Once you have complated these steps you may apply for the return of your soul which if not in stock will be replaced by something of equal or greater value. The aplication form is below.
Social Security #:
Credit Score:
father's Maiden Name:
The name of the current ruler of New Dehli:
The exact number of people on earth at 3:59am eastern time on July 22, 1643:

Have a nice day, and keep in touch,
                        Frederico Expresso Darrlington Enigaldo Xenith
(by the way I own fedex... you can tell by my initials!)

If you have one of those names above, I mean no disrespect. They were the first ones that popped in my head when I was trying to spell Fedex......

I think its clear that I have just a little too much time on my hands....

1 comment:

  1. How about, you have a little too much BRAIN on your hands? Hahaha, I love you!!!
