Friday, August 24, 2012

Catching Up On My Summer and Promises of Future Posts

So you know there is another new post that I put up just about an hour before this one, so you don't miss it.

I apologize to any loyal readers I had for not posting since around the end of school. I simply found myself blanking out about it or staring at the screen without inspiration. Now I will attempt to sum up my summer so far. Though it won't be in order.

1.) I am now armed! Yes the already potentially dangerous ginger bought a bow. It is a lovely left handed recurved bow I got at Cabela's. I attempted to draw it, though my paint skills still aren't amazing. I will probably take a picture though and put it up as well... eventually. Oh and I also bought a dozen arrows (obviously).

2.) I got my text books! They are heavy. So heavy I am going to run up and weigh them and come back to tell you how much they weigh. And the total is: 26.5 pounds. And that is just my textbooks. I still need to get binders and what not. Did I mention they ripped almost all of the lockers out of my high school? Seniors get priority and unless the teachers have extra sets of textbooks for in class (sometimes they do sometimes they don't) then I will be carrying around a bare minimum of 26.5 pounds of textbooks around school all day.
I really don't want to have to carry five textbooks around. But I might have to along with the rest of the populace.
My other two text books are Precalculus with limits and a Biology textbook. 
Since I am a cheater by posting actual pictures of the covers for the last two I will draw a dragonfly and add it to the next post. I am racing to finish this one before I am sent off to bed because I am afraid I will forget about it and then it will go unposted forever and a day.
And now I just remembered I actually have two MORE textbooks. Though they are the size of novels and together are roughly 700 pages.

3.) I did an Honors Chem class over the summer
This will actually get it's own super amazin post but I will give you a few topics I will cover
a) Tri-Iodide bombs
b) Molarity
c) various explosions
d) my awesome references in my lab report
e) my scientific conclusion that Duck is acidic
Please bug me with comments or emails if I have not posted about this by September.

4.) Turned Fifteen
Yep I've been fifteen for a couple months now... And my birthday was amazing except for Duck and Solar not being able to come to my party because they were out of town. I also need reminders to write a post about the party.

This post is slowly turning into a to do list. Therefore I am going to publish it now before it goes even more down hill.
One quick last note: I'm going to Deception Pass Star Party in a little over two weeks! Yeah!

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