Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Colors - Orange

742 days left in countdown - day 15 of the blog - 12 days until my birthday

Today I feel like narrating some more of the colors since I'm stuck inside for the moment. The rain has been coming in waves, soaking the earth then tapering down to a halt while it regains strength. I've always loved the rain, and I get plenty of it here in Washington. Something about those cascading droplets leaving the sky and returning to the earth has always felt so right. They are like the bond between the land and the sky, nurturing both through the balance between them.
I was going to talk about the colors... thats right. I think for now I'll just do orange (well orange and also sunsets which I know go far beyond orange) and green.

Duck, those white lines were purposeful and I promise they were not done in spite.
Orange and Sunset
When I was younger there was this boy who always used to ask me why my hair was so orange. Turns out the guy was a genius because he started running start while the rest of us went into junior high. Now we're in high school and he's a ways into college. At least that's what I've been told... I haven't seen him, much less talked to him, in years. Every time I hear his name I think of the darling kindargartener puzzling over ginger hair.
Orange also reminds me, of course, of oranges. The smell as someone tears the peel back and little one particles spray into the air. The explosion of taste that comes as teeth pierce the translucent skin that holds tight around the pulp. Yummy citrus.
Then there are sunsets. If you haven't seen a sunset then you should. Get above the trees and out of the labyrinth of the city if they consume the horizon. The sun has set on my life 5467 times on my life and I wish I had seen more of those sunsets than I have taken the time to witness.
One sunset stands out in my mind vividly. The air was cool and evening was creeping over the mountain. It was a typical summer for us, we came up there every year with friends to escape the city lights and structures so we could spend our nights under the stars and our days among the trees and tall grasses. This particular visit we had finally decided to all hike together the short half mile to a rock overhang with an amazing view of where the sun would dip down to meet the horizon. We showed up a few minutes early and situated ourselves among the rocks, staring over the cliff and talking as the sun inched ever closer.
It's like magic as that golden orb touches the horizon and the clouds and sky explode with color. I look back at these words and none of them measure up. There are just some things that we don't have words for, things you have to experience to understand even if there were words. I think I'll leave it at that.

***later today as I have finally returned to finish this***
Orange is a cool night gazing at the flames as friends gather around a campfire. Hey I wrote a metaphor....

I think I am going to put green in a seperate post... my brain has decided that I must escape from my blog for a while... I think I'll go running or something... probably will do the green post tomorrow.


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