Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week in Review

751 days left in the count down - 6 days left of school - day 6 of this blog
There is a lot I didn't get to posting this week so I am going to toss it all together in one post.

1.Marmalade's Dance Recital
Just before I started this blog Marmalade got to perform at our future high school in several different numbers which included Lyrical, Jazz, Salsa, Ballet, Tap, and I think maybe one more I'm forgetting. Oh right I think that would be company though the Salsa might have fit under company... anyways it was really good. In one of her numbers she was wearing what I thought was a mango colored dress... afterwards I was told, repeatedly, the correct term is coral. I don't understand why its such a big deal.

Anyhow the whole Mango thing coupled with the fact she was taking longer than usual in the back room turned into an irresistable urge. I had to go down the back hallway calling out for "my mango". Her mother and Carousel followed after me as they cackled at how Marmalade would respond at being referred to as Mango. It did not go over well. She thought it sounded like I was mangling her real name or baby talking at her. Sigh... I thought it was cool.

2. The Boat Dance
Well you had to be there. It involved a guy singing in Gaelic, a ceiling ready to cave in, a lot of bugs, a bar tender named Brad, a whole ton of people, and my history teacher dancing with almost the entire ninth grade chanting her name.

3. An Email
Duck sent me an email she wanted me to share with all of you. To say the least she was upset she didn't get a paint drawing of a duck in  cast of characters and ended up with one from clip art. So she made one herself. One which makes me feel like more of a fail when  it comes to MS Paint. Here it is:
Hope's Duck
4. Another Email
I have been invited, along with the rest of my orchestra, to perform at Carnegie hall in New York on    March 31, 2013. Yep I'm excited. I also have decided to get some private lessons because I'm feeling somewhat unworthy, though I do know one of the pieces we will be playing pretty well which will be helpful and give me some time to look back at it over the summer.
Of course going to New York for four days so we can perform is not cheap. Which means I am going to have to pitch in. So I will be on lunch duty. All year. I'll also have to start saving babysitting money up and all that business. The countdown to Carnegie Hall will probably become part of this once school starts up.

5. Finals.
All week I have had finals. Lab final in science. English final, ahem, I mean "Celebration of Knowledge". Consumer Living finalish thingies. A math final tomorrow. And yes they get to be their own sentences because they are more than just their names.
Then on Friday there was a history final. Well there was supposed to be. All day kids were in tears or talking about hwo sure they were they had failed, or how hard it was, or how they didn't even remember studying a certain event or person. I was instantly suspicious because
a) ASB President said there was a whole section on Abraham Lincoln.... we're studying ancient cultures and modern day Asia so I think he needs to consider the line between slightly feasible and beyond believable.
b) Marmalade was being coy.
c) Destiny was being too nice and acting way too helpful.
d) Fiddler claimed she had never heard it involved everything we studied over the whole year.
So when we came into class sixth period and our teacher told us we got five minutes of study time I still thought something was fishy and instead found myself wondering at the coloring pictures taped to the white board. Then she revealed her secret. SUPRISE! No final, just a final studyguide. She had conned us. So instead of a final we watched a movie... and colored in old disney coloring books... and stuff like that.

6. Change in Ride
My dad got rid of his lime green vw bug that had over 100k miles on it and that was leaking oil. He then promptly replaced it with a sky blue convertible vw bug.

So awesome you don't believe its real.

Anywho that's all I can think of for now.... 

1 comment:

  1. "ASB President said there was a whole section on Abraham Lincoln".

    "Destiny was being too nice and acting way too helpful."

    i love messing with you. and in general i did that to everybody... and everyone else did that too....
