Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sleep Deprivation

752 days to go - 6 days of school left - Day 6 of this blog
Today I was woken up once again exceedingly early... My siblings decided it would be awesome to all scream simultaneously at 7 or so in the morning. Repeatedly. This also meant that my parents response was to call the downstairs phone. Funny thing is they decided not to answer the phone. So the obnoxious thing screamed its head off and had a fit of apoplexy. This combination of things could only result in one thing. No not a banana dauqerie.
If you haven't already guessed the result it involves me having to get out of bed and get the situation under control. Another day sleep deprived.
I came downstairs and they were playing mindcraft. I do not see how it requires them to yell. They seem to think it does though and the more enthusiatic the sound, the more they will improve. By this point it was too bright to go back to sleep... and the volume would not subside. So I sat by the computer trying to wake up enough to do a blog post. I drew an amazing picture... then accidentally erased it. It was me in my sleep deprived state on the coach, sleep writing a blog post. It was several hours before I was finally awake.
My dad decided we needed to go and get breakfast so we could see our friend who works as a waitress. It was a busy day for them, and it was very humid. It reminded me of the east coast.

When we went to the east coast our air conditioning broke. And there was a record breaking heat wave. And we began leaking oil. We are from  Washington. You get the picture and if you don't you are not good with inferences, and may need to retake english.
Anyways we eventually finished and went home and decided to fix the broken lawn mower. The basic idea was simple: Replace the blades. The procedure was difficult. I discovered an evil invention which actually does its job.

These pins had the audacity to actually hold the thing together. They resisted my removal of them from the slots with their various notches and their awkward positioning. They laughed meniachly and smiled as I contorted my body on the ground so I could reach under to try and loosen their clutch on the dark metal that refused to let us replace its crucial mechanism.
After finally defeating the soul less pins I went inside to relax for a few minutes while my hands recovered from being jammed into tiny metal crevices and from trying to keep a firm grip on the pins. Pretty soon I was told that the barn was in a terrible condition. I needed to clean all the things. Usually I would rise to the task even if not happy to have to complete the task. Unfortunately my sleep deprived and post final brain could not decide what to do first. Or even grasp the concept of "cleaning". It looked like this:
So instead of taking perhaps half an hour or so doing a semi-decent job I took over two. Which is really sad because if I had been in a more efficient brain state I could have written another post.. or half way finished one... or gone running.... or done something really really cool.
After cleaning up from all the dirt and grime and other stuff that had leached onto me while I was cleaning the uninhabited barn (well uninhabited except for spiders and other such creepy crawlies) I went to a party at a friends house. This friend needs a blog name so I will be consulting our circle so that one may be determined. It will be posted at a later date. Anyways she throws amazing parties and we all had a great time. Solar, Carousel, Destiny, and Fiddler were all there, as well as many other people.
We had a fantastic time which involved:
Roasting gummy worms
A really amazing swing

And a whole bunch of other stuff.
Basically another amazing party. Which seemed to go by way too fast. It was a great way to spend four hours of the weekend though and has somehow managed to help me recharge a bit. I might just be awake when I take my last final of the school year on Monday. Though that is a big maybe. A maybe this big:

Which reminds me I need to study tomorrow. If you read my post just before this you know what my math looks like so I need to make sure I am prepared. And if I ace this one maybe I will get my four point O back. haha I said maybe again.
Well I think that's all for now. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. hehe... But seriously, color your back grounds before drawing or use the pencil tool. All your stuff has obnoxious little white lines all around them.
