Saturday, June 23, 2012


I've been told that I rarely refer to things with my feelings seperate from others. For those of you who didn't catch that here is an example: We love you, _____! Instead of I love you, ____! So now I have decided that I need to compile a list of me. So here's to the I's

I believe in the lord Jesus Christ and that he died for my sins and rose again on the third day.

I want to know you or get to know you better, even if I am sometimes too shy to approach you.
I fail at drawing hands.

There are many people who fill in the blank of this one. I love you, ____ and I don't ever want you to think no one does and that you don't matter, because you do matter. Never forget that.

I understand. If I tell you this then you should know that I mean it deeply. It is not a casual phrase to be battered about to sympathize. You mean more to me than that. But also know that I might not understand in the same way you do, to me it may mean something else, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate your thoughts.

I am over-dramatic and even if it seems incredibly real of a reaction, if I tell you it was fake I'm not lying. I may keep things closed inside sometimes and refuse to acknowledge them and in that case you can try and force it out of me and help, but if I have a freak out and you tell me to calm down and say I am calm and was kidding then please believe me. This is to those of you who know me and should be able to trust me. And please never think this means I don't value the truth and mean to decieve you, it keeps me sane so that when there is something to react to I can handle it. Even if that doesn't make any sense... I'm getting carried away. And yes I'm serious about that.

I need to go to bed at a decent hour considering that yesterday I ended up going to bed ridiculously late then sleeping 13 hours and waking up in terrible pain because of my crazy sleeping positions. My shoulders hate me and take it out on my back if I sleep in too long. So yeah.

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