Monday, June 18, 2012


750 days left in the countdown - 5 days left of school - Day seven of the blog
I couldn't think of anything to write and food myself frawing randomly in paint. So here you go.

And then I got bored... so I figured I'd relook up a thingy I found that shows how to write in circular Gallifreyan. Yes, for those of you who didn't knwo I am a whovian and obsessed with all circle based things. I even built a computer program that draws entwined circular patterns... though I admit that my brain died frequently throughout the whole process and I had to refer back to my dad. I am not exactly fluent in c##... Anywho I found it and then discovered the guy has built an app that translates and has a website. That's pretty cool from what I've looked at so far (well so far is five minutes). So here's a link:

I also showed my history teached who inspired the drawings near the end for my typical school day post this blog. There was laughter to say the least.

We were also required to do WOIS testing today which is some type of occupational thingy. So apparently I am well suited to be a psychologist.

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