Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cast of Characters

Day two - 756 days to go
When I showed up at school today I announced I had started to write this blog. Immediately I was met by critism, especially on the account of how to address everyone involved... they didn't like my nicknames except for Celtic's and he wasn't there to like or dislike his. So I have been commanded to try again. And I have decided they all get there own attempts at paint pictures that relate to them or their names. I will fail but it will be funny to look back on.

Fiddler - She's a well rounded character. Video gamer, Violin Player, Music Arranger, Soccer Player, a whole bunch of other stuff I can't think to list at the moment. Anyways she's obsessed with portal (drew a picture of Wheatley for her binder and a bunch of quotes), Kingdom of hearts, Professor Layton, Zelda, and listens to epic music especially that which she finds in her gaming experience.

Solar - The ninja assasin type. Quiet and seemingly harmless, but trust me she could (and might possibly) take over the world... or have followers from across the world because of her amazing video editing skills and dystopian novel ideas. I drew a picture of her as a ninja but now I can't find it so you'll have to settle for some abstract color. Okay I lied I didn't draw a ninja... but if I tried the colors would run away.

Duck- Knows more than most adults about brain chemistry and neuro-science and all that jazz. Personality types people for fun and loves taking tests. Really pretty hair groweth on her head. In her free time she is the sweatshop of her sisters pokemon, my little pony, and other anime plushies business. Yes I will find a link so you can go nuts and make them rich.

I can't draw a duck... I really really tried and almost exploded because it was so bad.... so I stole one from clip art.
Celtic- He's one of those guys who defies the laws of the universe. If you knew him well enough you would not question his accomplishments or whatever you would call them. He also is the brother of a currently unscreen named person who may soon join us. I already gave you a picture for him in the last post but you can have it again.
Marmalade- To start I know there are some things that must be made clear: Do not call her Mango, Fresco, or Mansprite... she doesn't like it... AT ALL!!!! Marmalade has been my friend since first grade when she showed up out of nowhere... we have no idea how our friendship started it just did. She is an amazing dancer currently involved in ballet, jazz, lyrical, and tap. If enough of you plead maybe she will aslo start hip-hop next year when school comes back. She also is a very random, hyper person. But that doesn't mean she takes things lightly. She has strong values and goals, and if you mess with them or do something she feels is wrong she will tell you.

By the way Marmalade is a writer and this is her special pen.
Destiny- Destiny has a habit of punching me. Not as hard as she can since if she did I would have a broken arm or worse.. probably. She is a black belt or something along those lines, and unpredictable. For weeks she hated me and then suddenly we were friends.

Muchado- pronounced Much Ah-due like Much Ado About Nothing. Her name here may change if she doesn't like it. Muchado has been my friend for two years now and I don't know how I'd cope without her. We've known each other more like three years but it wasn't until we rode the Marion-Go-Round we really got to know each other and became close friends. She is an actor and a part-time dancer (not sure if that wording works but it should do), and also a writer of prose, plays, and poetry.

Anyways I probably should get some sleep considering I have finals but first:
I have accomplished .2 percent of my mile goal and the only other one with any progress is surviving. No where near being Allie Brosh though its about finding my own style anyways so forget the comparison.

1 comment:

  1. Fiddler here -

    Great first few posts Joy. I'm going to be one of your regular readers, just so you know...
    Can't wait to read your take on all our diabolical insanity together. Muah ha ha...

    Listening to: The Sun Rises, Piano - Okami
