Thursday, June 14, 2012

A typical school day and a boat dance 6/13/12

755 days left in count down - 8 days left of school - Day 3 of the blog

Since today is Wednesday I found myself once again at school, or the 1st circle as Marmalade refers to it. Personally I don't think it's all that bad... though I am ready for it to break for summer.

The day starts out with Consumer Living which usually means cooking yummy food. Like the apple pie we made last week. At the beginning we all thought it would look like this:
It ended up looking like this:

But this was not make pie or other yummy food day. It was take a test about credit cards and banks and other stuff not yummy or fun. So we sat for an hour filling in blanks with the customary folders up that are supposed to prevent cheating. Not that we do cheat but quite frankly the folders are pathetic and don't really block much. 

After finishing our testing I was off to orchestra, and as we have already had our last concert we were watching a movie. Well a recording of a play. Well a movie that was used as a play and then recorded and sold as a movie. The thing I just explained with many words just so happened to be Oklahoma. Which meant that the very involved Carousel (Muchado didn't like her new name so it has become Carousel) was hung up on major discrepancies. I sympatheticly nodded, understanding about sixty percent of what she was saying.

Next came Science. Which meant lab final. Unfortunately our dear Duck was missing and so her partner was all alone. Suprisingly enough though Duck's partner had all the stuff which our teacher thought was just a little to convient and suspected foul play of sorts... or at least that's how Marmalade interpreted it. Which sent Marmalade off. Which meant we didn't really get any work done. This is our science day in a nut shell:

Then came lunch. Which was pretty mellow with the lack of Duck. And Carousel hiding away to work on her lab final. The highlight was loaning Destiny a dollar. Because with a dollar Destiny can do anything.... okay well at least a dollar can get Destiny a t-shirt.

Next came Advanced Algebra... As usual the guys were singing random songs... and quoting commercials. It also meant that we got to do more sigma notations and series stuff. This is what our math looks like:
English class involved citations... and annotanions. PUT TOGETHER! This meant drafting paragraphs and trying to recall books we read months ago, but hey it's our final english assignment so I will survive... not that it is super difficult or anything like that.

Finally, finally, history came along. History is the last class of the day which is much cause to celebrate. Which somewhat grieves our teacher because celebration involves talking and stuff. Within a few seconds of class starting though everyone had calmed down and was sitting patiently expecting it to be an uneventful class since we were finishing a documentary. We were wrong.
Perhaps we were right for the beginning half, we did watch the rest but afterwards there were questions. Questions deemed to be worthy of an indepth example with students acting out roles. Naturally since I was sitting front and center I was to be one of those examples. The very nice guy sitting next to me was to be the other.
The Questions: What happens to someone's debt when they die? If you are married and are buying everything on one account do you share the credit score?

Apparently someday the nice guy and I are going to fall in love. He will propose and I will say yes.

In our teachers terms nice boy becomes a baller. With his massive amounts of money we live in comfort but since he's so busy with what ever it is he does I manage the bills and pay under my own name. I get a really great credit score... he doesn't have any.
Credit Scores are one of the few things Nice Guy fails at... and the whole credit score thing is all fake anyways...
Then one day we get divorced... Nice Guy finds himself rich but unable to do much because he's so low on the radar. I find myself unemployed but free to ruin myself financially.... Eventually we get back together though because we realize there was no point for the divorce anyways.

A couple years later Solar comes to see me she is riding a Mo-Ped and doesn't see me. I am killed by vehicular manslaughter. Apparently I had student loans that I didn't seem to think to pay for, plus from my splurge while I was single again. Nice Guy finds himself alone and saddled with debt. Poor nice guy. POOR ME WHO GOT HIT BY A MOPED!!!!!
Yes I know it looks like a bicycle, but I asure you it was a Moped.... though it felt like a semi...

The moral of the story is.... well I don't know what the moral is but I'm not sure it has anything to do with credit scores.... And no it isn't that Gingers will leave you alone and in debt...

The school day ended relatively soon after that.

The Boat Dance
Well I think I will make you wait to hear about the boat dance.... because I need a break... and I feel like being just a little evil....

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