Tuesday, June 12, 2012

An Introduction -757 Days To Go

Post started on 6/11/12 and thus is the beginning of the 757 days
I'm not sure how you have managed to find me or if anyone is actually reading this but welcome to my blog. Yes shocking I know. Its not just a blog though its a record of the next 757 days or possibly the next 1122 or however long it takes for me to abandon it.
Some of you may be wondering where in the world I came up with 757 days and I'm getting to that, I really am but first an introduction; I'm Joy. You can also call me bluejay or jay or if you'd really like to, "The Ginge". I'm not the only person who will be featured in this blog though. You will meet many a person including CC, Duck, Mango (unless heaven forbid she kills me for calling her such), Celtic, and the other assorted people I surround myself with.

Anyhow back to the numbers. You see one day I had the craziest idea, well perhaps not the craziest because that time I tried to run home four and a half miles in the dark might have been crazier, and that idea was that on my seventeenth birthday I was going to disappear. At least it would be a funny joke to pretend so. My friends didn't get it. They thought I had something seriously wrong with me physcologically, at least worse than normal. So I dropped it for about a month until it came back tonight.
I was talking to CC when I realized that I did want to plan something or have sometype of goal that would have to be completed by that day... or at least see how much I could accomplish in those 757 days. If I could do something to change my life or change someone elses. Thus the documentation begins.
So since I couln't think of any super brilliant goals I decided to list a bunch of ones of the top of my head to pursue and complete before the end of the countdown.
1) Run one thousand miles... because I feel like it.
2) Be at least a third as good as Allie Brosh at using MS Paint.
3)Finish Out of Sync
4)Write 200 poems
5)Not dying prematurely... this one extends past the 757 days
6)coming up with more goals

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